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Van Haven Family Legacy

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Into the Van Haven Woodlands


On the grounds of the Van Haven estate sits acres of woodlands filled with all sorts of growing funghi, plants from every corner of the world, stunning lakes with uniquely exotic fish from around the globe and wildlife of all types of unique animal, including bear cubs and lemurs.            


In the Van Haven Woodlands is where we gather and appreciate the full force of nature, when thunder and lightning appear, we gather and observer in the full safety of the forest, as the flashes relfect and light up the giant stunning lakes and their amphibian inhabitants, who of course enjoy the serene forces of nature as we also do.       


Around the fire the Van Haven members and their bestowed guests will gather and experience the natural world at it's finest in its free'est form


The Van Haven woodlands and invitation to join us in our times of appreciating nature are highly exclusive, you can only get invitation through a select process of which we do not divulge, only if you are picked will you get to join us in our circle in the  exclusive  woodlands.